Constipation In Dogs and

Constipation In Dogs and its Treatment at Home

Extremely painful, hard-to-pass faces are a sign of true constipation in dogs. Regarding a dog’s frequency of bowel movements, it is unrelated. Constipation rarely affects dogs that receive enough water, exercise, and at least three chances daily to go outside to relieve themselves. However, chewing and consuming a huge bone or bones might result in severe types of constipation in dogs. It can be exceedingly painful to pass the stool since it is made of practically concrete-like materials from the bone. Call your veterinarian for an enema if necessary.

What’s About Constipation In Dogs?

Constipation In Dogs

Constipation in dogs can have a variety of causes, however, some of the most frequent ones are as follows:

Toy parts, stones, plants, soil, and bones that were ingested but became stuck in the intestines. exercise inactivity either too much or not enough fiber in his daily food. Other factors that can make a dog strain or feel pain when attempting a bowel movement are inflamed anal sacs, an object blocking the colon, a tumor or mass blocking the colon, an enlarged or infected prostate, or a hernia. Call your veterinarian if your dog attempts to defecate and appears to be in pain.

It is not constipation if your dog vomits or has diarrhea for a few days before not defecating at all for a few days. The most likely explanation is that he’s emptied his digestive tract and won’t need to defecate again until he has eaten generally for a couple of days. If your dog has diarrhea and occasionally tries to urinate but is unsuccessful, he may only be experiencing digestive cramps., however, he might potentially have something in the colon’s way. If you believe your dog may have ingested something that may be preventing the intestines from functioning, call your veterinarian right away.

What you may see, when the dog is constipated?

dog is constipated
Dog is Constipated
  • The dog may strain to defecate, with nothing coming out. Alternatively, there may be very hard, dry stools, sometimes with streaks of fresh, red blood on the outside (due to the stool scratching the rectal lining or mildly damaging the anal area on the way out). 
  • As the bowel can be sore, there is sometimes excessive licking in the anal area or pain when the dog is lifted. 
  • The dog may also be depressed and have stopped eating. 
  • Sometimes there may even be liquid feces as well, due to the gut trying to push out the hard fecal lump. 
  • The liquid squeezes around the lump and leaks out.

Some Home Remedies Help to relieve in Constipation of dogs

Always get your dog checked by a vet if it is constipated. But The following home Remedies tips should help with prevention and chronic (long-standing) problems and Constipation in dogs.

Balance Diet

Balance Diet for constipated Dog
Balance Diet for constipated Dog

makes sure the balanced diet is high-quality and suitable for the dog. Increase the amount of raw food in the diet (cooking breaks down the cell walls of plant material and this roughage is important to provide bulk and attract water into the bowel).

High-Fiber Fruits and Vegetables

high-fiber fruits and vegetables for dogs

when the dog is constipated. Use high-fiber fruits and vegetables such as apples with the skin on, raw green vegetables, figs, prunes, and pumpkin puree

Oat Bran

  •  Bran adds fiber to the diet, as do most whole grains. Oat bran is especially useful to add 1/₂ tsp to 1 tbsp to each meal.
  •  Add extra water to the diet to encourage the correct water balance in the body.

Note: Avoid all bones if there are bone fragments in the feces.

Powdered Psyllium Husks

Powdered Psyllium Husks for dogs

Powdered psyllium husks or seeds act as a bulk-forming agent in the bowel and as a laxative; try 1/4 to 2 tsp mixed in water once a day.

Aloe Vera Juice

Aloe Vera Juice For dog

Aloe vera juice can act as a gentle laxative as well as soothing and healing the lining of the bowel. Make sure you get juice that does not contain this preservative.


Exercise best for dog in constipation

Exercise is crucial because movement helps stimulate bowel movements. Make sure your dog has plenty of places to go to the bathroom, especially if it needs privacy to do so. A wide open area will not always suffice your dog may need bushes to hide behind.

Digestive Enzymes

Digestive enzymes for constipated dog

Digestive enzymes (such as papaya extracts) added to the diet can also sometimes help.

Aluminum Toxicity

Sometimes aluminum toxicity can cause chronic constipation. Aluminum can be absorbed into the body from aluminum cans and cooking utensils, tap water, processed cheeses, and white flour.


Herbs Senna and Cascara for dogs Constipation

Herbs senna and cascara can be effective laxatives and are available in tablet form. Avoid long-term use of laxatives as they can make the bowel “lazy” and worsen the problem.


Lactulose Solution For Dogs

Lactulose is a synthetic sugary liquid that is designed to attract liquid into the bowel. If your vet recommended you, this is suitable for your dog. Also, ask your veterinarian if this is safe for your dog. Lactulose is a prescription laxative used to treat constipation in dogs and cats. Ask your veterinarian about it. It works immediately to reduce the discomfort and annoyance brought on by constipation in dogs.

Homeopathy Treatment

Homeopathy the choice of a homeopathic remedy depends on what signs are exhibited. Consult a trained homeopath or a reliable book on the subject. Some useful remedies are the following :

Homeopathy Treatment for constipated dog
  • Nux vomica 30c-use for an irritable dog that is straining but not producing much. If it is worse after rich foods or emotional upsets.
  • Bryonia 30c-use if the stools are large, hard and dry, mucous membranes are dry, or symptoms are worse when the dog moves.
  • .Lycopodium 30c for ineffectual straining with small, hard stools, especially if she/the dog is pregnant.

Flower Essences

Flower Essences for dog

Flower essences are considered using these if the constipation is related to an emotional upset. A stressed dog is less likely to relax enough to empty its bowels regularly. Remedies to consider are the general fear and stress essences: aspen, Mimulus, crab apple (for detoxification), and Rescue Remedy.

Acupuncture and Acupressure

constipation reflects a general sluggishness of the whole system and acupuncture. It can help with the presenting symptoms and restore balance to the body. Use the points ST 25, SP 6, ST 36, and LI 11 which are shown in the following picture.

Acupuncture and Acupressure  for dog

Anal Sac Problem in Dogs, Symptoms and Treatment

The anal sacs lie under the skin, just below the anus.

Muscles in the perineal region are involved in the defecation and emptying of anal sacs. anal tumors or anal gland infections may also reduce the width of the bowel and cause pain during defecation.

 Anal Sac Problem in Dog


  • Some dogs suffer muscle degeneration around the anal area, leading to the formation of perineal hernias (bulges of the bowel wall just Above: Prolonged squatting and straining (tenesmus) may indicate anal or rectal problems. Left: Swelling and infection in the perineal area can indicate anal sac infection or tumors. behind the anus). These can cause pocketing of feces, preventing them from being passed normally and resulting in further pressure on muscles in the area and further damage.
  • • Dogs affected by mobility problems and stiffness in the back and hips may find it hard to squat comfortably while defecating, which can also contribute to difficulty passing feces.
  • Diagnosing problems in the anal area may require the veterinarian to perform a rectal examination with a gloved finger to feel the inner surface of the rectum and anus. 
  • The dog may have to be anesthetized or sedated, especially if further tests, such as radiography, are needed to diagnose any abnormalities in this area. Any masses present may be sampled and submitted for laboratory examination for identification.

Anal Gland Treatment

Most senior foods contain increased fiber levels, which helps bulk up feces and make them pass through more easily. Some old dogs also benefit from laxatives to aid the passage of feces. Some need pain relief and anti-inflammatory medicines to improve their mobility sufficiently so that they can squat normally.

Surgical treatments may be needed to remove any masses that are present or to resolve perineal hernias and re-establish normal bowel function. In some cases, chronically infected anal sacs may need to be removed surgically.


For more informative articles related to dog health, you must visit our Home page.


What can I give my dog for constipation?

There are many home remedies you can give your dog for constipation, including high-fiber fruits and vegetables such as apples with the skin on, raw green vegetables, figs, pumpkin puree and prunes.

Coconut oil, Olive oil, Pumpkin puree, Powdered psyllium husks, and Aloe Vera Juice without any preservatives.

What is the quickest way to relieve constipation in dogs?

 You can try home remedies like Powdered psyllium husks, Aloe vera juice, high-fiber fruits and vegetables, Herbs like senna and cascara, Lactulose, Digestive enzymes, and if your dog is constipated. 

How does a dog act when constipated?

When your dog is constipated he acts crouching including crouching, straining, crying, or when attempting to defecate. Moreover, you should see your veterinarian right away if it has been more than two days since he last had a bowel movement.

Can milk help dogs with constipation?

Some dog owners ensure that milk, which acts as a laxative, is an effective home remedy for dog constipation. Nevertheless, milk can cause diarrhea and is not recommended because it might lead to additional health issues.

What vegetable is good for dogs?

 high-fiber fruits and vegetables such as apples with the skin on, raw green vegetables, figs, and pumpkin prunes are best for dogs when the dog is constipated.

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